Excelerant Consulting

We are not an island and co-creation is time again being proved as a highly effective way of creating high quality results whilst building strong relationships and generally finding contentment in our collective endeavours. We love to collaborate with other organisations and work with them to co-create solutions that provide immediate, authentic value.

Learning Program Design

Having designed and delivered over 250 highly thought out learning programs with an extensive variety of formats and outcomes. We have the experience to help you increase the impact of yours. We look to turn more traditional learning programs into ones that have significantly higher information retention rate and are, at their core, more engaging.

  • Dramatically reduce training time whilst covering more content

  • Improve training results by getting learners actively involved

  • Cut course design down from weeks to hours

  • Bring the joy of learning back into training

We pride ourselves on our collaborative approach. For us, learning should be engaging, fun and above all else, effective. Let us share our thoughts with you on how we can help you reach that next level.

Risk Management Consulting

Risk Management can be described as an intentional, systematic and ongoing process that ensures the appropriate Policies, Procedures, Values & Systems are in place to manage risk at a socially acceptable level.

With extensive experience writing risk management plans that have weathered natural disasters, civil unrest and the Covid-19 Outbreaks we can provide thorough risk management audits and help co-create strategic improvement plans appropriate for your organisation

  • Risk Management Reviews

  • Full Safety Audits with Strategic Improvement Plan

  • COVID Ready Assessments

Read more here

Design Thinking Workshops

Design Thinking is a five step process that takes us from formulating the question to creating and testing a prototype solution. This highly structured and open ended process can identify real need, draw out creativity and deliver practical solutions to current challenges.






Our team can facilitate a full five day Design Thinking process or a shorter Design Sprint process that can walk you through the process in a way that introduces you to the concept so that you can take it in house and make good use of it in your future endeavours.

This option can be facilitated in person or online through the Miro Boards Application

Virtual Instructor Lead Training Solutions

With the change of operations forced upon us during the Covid-19 pandemic, virtual training became the norm. We believe this is a great step towards a more sustainable approach to learning and are keen to share some of our insights and approaches

Using the platforms of Spatial Chat, Zoom and Miro we are able to put together a host of training options. We have successfully ran design sprints virtually, as well as building an entire virtual conference simulating a real world training event, complete with team tables and everything.

It's a fantastic space and by continuing to collaborate with thought leaders, we feel confident we are at the cutting edge of what can be done.

Co-Facilitation & Program Producing

Do you have your own online training and would like some professional in the Zoom support?

We offer our highly skilled facilitators as a drop in Co-facilitator or virtual producer. These co-facilitators will help manage the logistics and tech allowing you to focus your energies on being present and providing the best possible experience for your clients

Our Producers

✔️ Manage the Zoom (Attendence, breakout rooms, polls, general tech support)

✔️ Handle briefing the participants on how to navigate the tech so you don't have to!

✔️ Manage the presentation slides so you can focus on hitting your key points

✔️ Be there to step in and support the process if you find yourself needing a moment

✔️ Provide an experienced perspective to bounce ideas off as your program dynamically develops

✔️ Generally make the whole online experience much more enjoyable

Organisations we have supported:

Organisations the we have worked with:

They provided valuable feedback on our fundamental risk management course, and we welcome their thoughts on our upcoming virtual adaptations -Director at Viristar

Their knowledge and understanding about what experiential learning can be has such a big positive impact on people that attend their programs. -Program Design Manager

Excelerant Pathways came in, went through our risk prepared strategy and ran a training session for our staff team around the potential civil unrest impact around HK during the fall of 2019I thought the session went very well and was a real stitch in time.Many thanks for your work - Head Teacher

... Their program was a great success and I would strongly encourage their help with future programs. -Operations Manager