Sustainability at our core
Throughout all of our programs we seek a sustainable approach. This manifests in our five core pledges.
A Social Approach - Whilst we are not a non-profit organisation we do look to have a positive impact on society. We want to make transformational learning accessible to all. We run programs with corporates and then allocate some of the surplus to running programs for people who are underserved and do not have the means to access similar trainings themselves. Our target is to donate 20% of our surplus towards this endeavour. See below for our latest report on this or alternatively click here for more information
Clients - We partner for the long term. It takes time and effort to find organisations that match values to then partner with and grow. We look to partner for the long haul and continue to provide valuable support in an ongoing manner as opposed to single training program wherever possible.
Reduced Impact - When designing a program our carbon footprint is always in our minds. We look to source from local organisations that share in our commitment to a sustainable world. Whether this is in the choice of F&B provided to the venue chosen we look to minimise the cost of our learning.
Raising Awareness - As part of all of our programs we look at not just our own but also our clients impacts. Generating conversation around how they can contribute to a more sustainable future by both their own actions and also by inspiring others within their circle of influence.
Carbon Offsetting - We are working towards being a company that offsets twice as much as it consumes. We are still working on this and see it as one of our core stretch goals. We will continue to update you in newsletters on our progress and look forward to the day when we can update this section to reflect a successful realisation of this key milestone
The Social Approach Report
As with our carbon footprint we seek to be transparent with our social endeavours.
Measuring this of our total organisational capacity you can see out latest report to the left
Carbon Offsetting Report
Despite our best efforts there is always a cost to our activities.
Excelerant Pathways dedicated itself to being a carbon negative company. That is to say that we will invest in carbon offsetting programs that go beyond our use and we set the bar beyond being neutral.
Starting with the end of Q2 2021 we will provide an annual carbon report, we feel that by operating transparently and being accountable to our community we will continue to maintain the necessary momentum to reach this goal
Watch this space --->